Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Our Last Day of Grade One

The last day of Grade One was an extra special one for Division 16.  Not only was it our last day of school, but we would be the last class in room C201 in the Junior Building before seismic updates begin this summer.  The next time we get to enter the building will be a year or two from now!  
Here are a few pictures of our last day together!
Learning like the "olden days"!  We used the chalkboards to do our math and writing! 
We can count by 5's to 100!

Climbing the wall!

Taking a break with our friends.
Our class was on "litter patrol" this last week!

Everyone pitches in to make sure our school grounds are taken care of.

Our classroom on the last day - Good-bye room C201!

         Happy Summer Everyone! 
     See you Tuesday, September 8th!