Saturday, 28 February 2015

Vancouver Symphony Orchestra Trip

After our trip to the VSO, we talked about our experience - what we remembered, what we saw, what we felt, and what we enjoyed the most.
Look at the great stories we wrote!

Monday, 23 February 2015

Pink Shirt Day

On Wednesday, February 25th everyone is encouraged to wear something pink to show that we are all working together to end bullying.
Today we talked about what we can say and do to help everyone feel included and welcomed.  What a good job the children did!  You can read our ideas here...

Check out this video of a flash mob performed at a recent Vancouver Giants Game.  Over 5000 students, including 3 classes from Strathcona, participated in this event!

Acceptance Flash Mob

Saturday, 14 February 2015

A "Happy Valentines Day"

Thank you EVERYONE for making our valentines day so special!  The children were so excited to share their treats and their valentines with friends!

Look at all the yummy treats!  What should I eat first??

After eating, (and dancing by some!), we opened our valentine bags!  It was fun reading all the messages from our friends.

Learning about 3-D shapes

Sorting our 3-D shapes
Can you find 3-D shape things around your house?